
Although the rescue team gets some support from the County, due to ongoing budgetary reductions those funds have been significantly reduced and we must rely on fund-raising of our own in order to buy the specialized equipment and received the training required to continue to meet the highest standards of quality and offer the population at large the safest and fastest response in times of need. Since we are a nonprofit organization under the Internal Revenue Service Code 501(c)(3), all your donations are tax deductible with virtually no overhead cost. If you are interested in making a donation to the team, please make checks out to Santa Clarita Search & Rescue Team and mail them to the address listed below or contact the webmaster for details about in-kind donations. Thank you for helping us save lives.


Make an instant online payment through Venmo: 

Make A Donation

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and your donation may be tax-deductible. For larger donations, please contact us directly!


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