Santa Clarita Valley Search and Rescue Team
Serving the Santa Clarita community since 1957
Missions In 2024 (YTD)
In 2024 we have responded to missions, both in our area and mutual-aid requests from other teams in Los Angeles and across the state.
Upcoming Events
03/15/25 – MRA Recertification
Our team will join other teams from Southern California for our annual MRA recertification.

Our Team
The Santa Clarita Valley Search and Rescue Team is a volunteer group formed to assist the Sheriff of Los Angeles County in search and rescue operations or any other governmental agency upon request. We also promote wilderness recreation safety for the people of our community. We work under the direction of the SCV Sheriff's Station. The team is made up of reserve deputies who get paid a $1 a year, and civilian volunteers who work for free because they love the job. All of the team members are Emergency Medical Technicians. The team also responds to mutual aid calls, where disasters or other situations outside our valley require their skills. The Search and Rescue team can and will respond 24 hours a day, seven days a week to calls involving vehicles over the side, earthquakes, lost hikers, power outages, and missing people of all ages, along with rescuing people or recovering evidence in locations involving challenging terrain. Last year, the Search and Rescue team dedicated more than 4,000 hours of service to the Santa Clarita Valley.
How You Can Help
Getting Involved
Make a Donation
Support our mission by making a donation today. Your generous contribution helps fund essential team equipment and training, which is not provided by the Sheriff’s Department.
Become a Volunteer
Do you have what it takes to become a search & rescue team member? We’re looking for dedicated individuals to join us!